Tuesday, February 3, 2015

French design agency advertises job for someone who is "if possible not Jewish"


The BBC posted this screencap of a Graphic-Jobs.com job ad from a French design agency that included the line "Si possible pas juif(ve)" ("If possible not Jewish").

Yeah. It was soon removed.

NSL Studio says it must have been hacked and that the company "distances itself totally from all racist or anti-Semitic acts or statements".  Graphic-Jobs.com distanced itself, stating "we strongly condemn the nature of the content published by the agency NSL Studio."

 The damage is done, however. Racial discrimination is illegal in France, and SOS Racisme is apparently taking legal action.

Joke, troll or genuine hate, it's a sad comment in a country already rife with religious and ethnic violence.


  1. Must be a hack. Maybe a former disgruntled employee? Even racists with a single neuron can predict the backlash this would generate.

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