Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Melodrama? In my PSAs?

I frequently snark against over-dramatic PSAs, but in this case it actually makes sense:

Thes PSAs, from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), is aimed at the Hispanic community in that state. Taking the form of "telenovelas" (Latin American soap operas). the campaign deals with the consequences of drinking and driving with all the over-the-top acting you would expect, in context.

KHOU reports: "According to TxDOT, telenovelas have worked in other countries in getting important messages across.  An episode where a character gets a mammogram or participates in a census can get a viewer to do the same."

While TxDOT admits they had some reservations about being perceived as playing with ethnic stereotypes, they say they have had no complaints from the Anti-Defamation League, the League of Latin American Citizens, or the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

“I don’t think they’re offensive,” said Celia Israel, a board member with the chamber.  “I think it would be perceived as a fun way to help us make a very serious point ... We’re just grateful that they are doing some advertising in Spanish.”

36 percent of all DUI fatalities in the state last year involved a Latino driver who was under the influence of alcohol. It has become a leading cause of death within the community.

1 comment:

  1. An important message and if it helps curb DUI fatalities then all the better.

    It just bugs me when statements are made like "36 percent of all DUI fatalities in the state last year involved a Latino driver who was under the influence of alcohol." They make it sound like Latino drivers are worse then other drivers.

    What they fail to mention is that 36% of residents in Texas (as of 2007) are of Hispanic origin.
