Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Suck it, haters!

I occasionally go on (and on and on) about one of my personal causes, which is ensuring a society where mothers feel comfortable breastfeeding their babies whenever, and wherever, they want. What can I say? I'm a milk-fed baby.

The ongoing fight between lactivists and Facebook is just one front where this is playing out. Another is in the arena of popular culture.

I'd love to do a PSA campaign for La Leche, or some public health authority, to help this process along. But to be completely honest, more progress is probably made every time a "hot" celebrity releases a photo like this:

That's Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr, best known as a Victoria's Secret model, giving the breast to her newborn son by English actor and Middle Earth heartthrob Orlando Bloom. This is what they chose as the official photo to announce the birth of Flynn Bloom, born January 6.

And that's what every cause needs: Heroes.

The Avenging Angel of Lactation.

Sir Likes-Boobs-a-Lot
Hey... although the everyday people who stand up to ignorance everywhere are equally — well actually much more — heroic, a little star power for the cause doesn't hurt at all.


  1. Too true! I am ALL ABOUT the star power bringing back into "vogue" the womanly art of breastfeeding. Love to you, Tom. And thank your mama for feeding you the good stuff. I think it made you a good bit SANE in this crazy world of ours. :P

  2. I'm so glad you posted this one.

    Being the entertainment gossip that I am, I've seen this image and accompanying blog post from Kerr on a few gossip sites. I'm very disappointed by the uneducated comments made by posters regarding how self-involved/inappropriate she was for posting this picture along with the baby announcement.

    P.S. - They also get bonus points from me for naming him Flynn.
