Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Tea Party takes on Communist Constructivist design

The first issue of the Tea Party Review magazine is out. Which is great, because America is a land of free speech.

But that cover... where have I seen an ordinary working man fondling his flag like that before?

Oh, my.

Oh, dear.

Thought so.

Ideologies may come and go, but the emotional and visual language of jingoistic patriotism stays the same.


  1. I think it's a step in the right direction ... I was so appalled at the type face selections on the Bush/Cheney and McCain/Palin campaign collateral ... If I can't get behind your ideologies, I should at least be moved by your propaganda.

  2. Just add a little Nazi Meat and you're good to go!

  3. Quick! Let's scrape the bottom of the barrel and dredge up some random nonsense to make our political opposition look bad!

  4. Yeah, I'm disappointed by the Tea Party's tactics as well.

  5. From the cover deck: notice the singular, "Year of the black conservative?" There's still only one… but it's his year. Maybe he'll show up at one of their rallies and bring some validation along.
