Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WTM endorses: Hayley Wade for VP, Student Life

She seems like a nice young woman:

"Hey everyone!  
My name is Hayley Wade and I am running for VP Student Life in the Students’ Union election this upcoming March. I would love and appreciate your support with this endeavor! I have big goals for this position, and I with your help, I know I can achieve them. If you would like to learn more about what I want to do to help you, please check out my platform and feel free to ask me about any questions you may have! If you support me and the great goals I have for this position, please spread the word about my campaign and tell everyone you know, to VOTE HAYLEY WADE from March 6 - 8!
You can also follow my campaign on twitter @voteHAYLEY, send me an email and join the Facebook group - vote HAYLEY WADE for VP Student Life 
Thank you for your support! Please let me know what I can do to help you!"
Ms. Wade was just your average Canadian student politician. Until this campaign poster (said to be strategically placed above urinals on campus) hit Reddit. And Copyranter. And Buzzfeed.

I actually think it's a brilliant campaign poster. But is she really behind it?

According to OpenFile, this was her response on social media (note avatar):

And here she is on Twitter:

So I'll put this down as "not a prank". And I wish Ms. Wade the best of luck.


  1. This is not particularly clever and makes a mockery of the elections. It also demeans men on campus by assuming they are stupid enough to vote for a candidate simply because she compliments them on their penis size.

    If a male candidate did the same thing in the women's washrooms, we would be having a completely different discussion on the matter...

    1. I think she's funny. Her actual platform is pretty serious, but this shows she has a sense of humour.

      So many student politicians are such dorks.

    2. Hi Tom,
      Hayley Wade here! Love the story. Thank you for taking the time to look into my platform and for understanding that is intended as humorous poster and is not the sole base of my campaign. The Calgary Herald also put out a great article today about the poster, so if you're interested, feel free to read it here:
      Thanks for the support!

    3. I said it at Copyranter and I'll say it here. Sit on it, Potsy! This is hilarious.

    4. I hope I'm not the "Potsy" in this scenario.

    5. Nope, that was for Anon.

    6. ah ha, to win a university election it doesn't matter what your platforms are first, because in university no one really cares about it, they just read the funny posters and decide which ones are funny and the popular funny one wins! I am voting for her

    7. Someone did do something similar actually for was a play on the Ryan Gosling 'Hey Girl' meme and most of us found it pretty demeaning.

      Oh and she won. She also had a poster that said 'Love the curves' with a nice line graph over her chest.

      Nevertheless, without stuff like this no one would get interested in student politics. Might as well have some fun anyways before getting out into the bland real world

  2. Hi Tom,

    Hayley Wade here! Love the story. Thank you for taking the time to look into my platform and for understanding that is intended as humorous poster and is not the sole base of my campaign. The Calgary Herald also put out a great article today about the poster, so if you're interested, feel free to read it here:

    Thanks for the support!


  3. There are better candidates than Hayley Wade out there. The University Paper at least can look past a poster that is entirely inappropriate and that makes a mockery of an election that actually will elect the executive who will manage a ~$15 million budget.

    If you are a student look at the other candidates, don't encourage this behaviour.

    With a MRU student being caught for bank robbery and now Hayley Wade behaving childish and immature, it makes Student Unions look like a joke with the least desirable students in control... which is far from the truth.

    1. Ummm, "Goldie". She'e running against a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger.

      A little humour in student politics doesn't hurt. It's not real life.

      Now what's happening here in Ottawa, that is making a mockery of democracy.

  4. 10 years ago I ran with a poster that said "We support T.W.A.T. - The War Against Terror", put it in the women's dorms, and got community mf-ing service for it. Which was asinine. I think this was hilarious.
