Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Berenstain Bears — Conscientious objectors in the Chick-fil-A war

The Berenstain Bears brand of kids books has been pulled unwillingly into the Chick-fil-A shitstorm, according to NBC news.

The row with the Jim Henson Company and gay rights advocates over CEO Dan Cathy's recent comments about "traditional marriage" have created a divisive PR climate around the fast food brand. With a new cobranded book promotion set to launch from Chick-fil-A and the Bears, the copyright owners posted this notice on their web site:

Interesting that the owners of such titles as "The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers," "The Berenstain Bears Show God's Love," and "The Berenstain Bears Discover God's Creation" should distance themselves so definitively from the "Christian" rhetoric of Dan Cathy.

It just goes to show how much things are changing in the USA in 2012.

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