Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Luvs loves breastfeeding moms

Not only is it a nice, socially-responsible consumer ad. It's also well-targeted and pushes forward a single-minded message that experienced moms choose their product.

Okay, you can tell me that disposable diapers aren't socially responsible. But I'm not convinced washing and bleaching cloth ones is all that much more enviro. Disagree with me if you want (I know my very baby-experienced sister does) but it's still a good ad.

There are three more (unembeddable) ads in the series, about rectal thermometers, transporting babies, and of course diaper changing. It's a refreshing change from their exploding diapers campaign.


  1. at the end, does the kid resemble the waiter? or is it just me?


  2. this is good - a funny way to socialize what is normal.

