Friday, April 13, 2012

Even Weight Watchers is boobvertising now #FdAdFriday

Just the other day I was minding my own business on the internet, as usual, when this banner ad caught my attention:

I thought it must be innocent. Just a woman who happens to have a Hendricksian bosom and who lost weight with WW's online programme. But since I was wondering anyway, I clicked.

Am I reading too much into this, or is their an awful lot of attention on this woman's breasts?

Strangely, I forgot to bookmark the site for later reference. Now, when I google Weight Watchers Online Canada, I get this instead:

Did they change their tactics? Was it a phishing scam? I guess we'll never know.

1 comment:

  1. > Strangely, I forgot to bookmark the
    > site for later reference.

    hmm... sounds mighty suspicious, just coincidentally forgetting, if you ask me! :-)

    have you checked your browser history? or your cache?

