Thursday, March 11, 2010

This viral is making me paranoid

I don't usually like to do partisan politics here, but this is an exception. First of all, it's an amazing example of customized online content creating a compelling viral campaign. Second, it's American politics. Third, it's Glenn Beck, who nobody with half a brain takes seriously anyway — whatever their political affiliations.

Yesterday, reader Casey sent me this link:|641948-uziKFmx&referred_by=17606663-ozs8g9x

It's an American left-wing parody news report generator (from cnnnbc) using footage of insane pundit Glenn Beck to demonstrate that his tea-party witch hunt could target anyone next. (Including, apparently, Canadians!)

When you click the link, it asks you to connect with Facebook. I was assured it was "safe", but I am not recommending that you do it just for liability reasons. I am, however, willing to give up my own privacy to show my readers just how cool (and terrifying) customized video has become.

Yup, that's me in Glenn's sights.

He even knows where I came from.

I think everyone already knew that...

Oh my God!! He's also after my Facebook friends!!!

The protest signs were particularly impressive. I wish one of them had said "Get a brain, morans!"

The bottom line.

If you want to see how it works, I've put placeholders in this one:

Whatever your politics (this is, admittedly, a message from, it's pretty amazing what they can do these days.