With one catch:
That's right. PETA wants to sponsor Montrose schools in return for placing anti-dissection messages in the hallways.
PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman says
"Encouraging students to cut up animals who often suffer a terrifying and painful death teaches them that the lives of others don't matter. Our offer is a win-win solution: The school district would receive needed funding, and students would receive invaluable lessons in compassion and good science."
Win-win? From a marketing point of view, perhaps. I covered another Michigan PETA effort against dissection in April, mostly because it involved Iggy Pop. It's a good issue for them to focus on, because it's easy for mainstream people to identify with unnecessary death and gore.
But will it end with dissection? PETA is not exactly an organization I want having a lot of influence in the halls of education.
The problem is that, once schools become dependent on non-public funding, they are susceptible to influence. And that influence could easily involve other PETA pet issues, such as promoting veganism by vilifying all animal products, even milk.
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