Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Introducing Ethical Native Advertising!

As of today, I have been writing this blog for six years. And you know what? I'm sick of doing it for free.

I started my advertising career, 25 years ago, writing advertorial. Remember those? They were fake editorial features that were paid-for by advertisers so that they would be seen in a positive light by people who couldn't tell the difference between ad and editorial.

Advertorial has come a long way. Today, it's called "native advertising" and you don't even need to put that "advertising" label on it, like we did in the old days. Awesome!

So here's the deal: For $100.00 Canadian, I'll mention your brand in  positive light on one of my posts. For $500.00, you get to be featured as "#EthicalAdvertiserOfTheWeek" on this blog, and across all of my social media channels. (That's a pretty good deal, as I am a minor cewebrity. I was on HuffPost Live and everything!)

What are you waiting for? Let's get Ethically Native!


  1. Advertorial? You mean native advertising right?

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